An Open Letter to My Friends and Family

During an exchange on Twitter yesterday, I was accused of”defend[ing] the police” as I remarked about how much worse things could have been in Salt Lake City during the May 30th riot. The commenter, referring to a video of an SLCPD Officer who pushed an elderly man down (perhaps accidentally), stated “I’m not sure…how to engage in a conversation with you.”

Motivational Interviewing – The Secret Ingredients

Motivational Interviewing – The Secret Ingredients I have said before (and say on my front page) that “therapy isn’t rocket science” and I mean it. it isn’t the hardest thing in the world, but it does require some savvy. It takes experience (some lived and some learned), patience, and a little dab of tenacity in order to become a proficient helper. It often also takes a little skill in helping people get motivated to start healing. Unfortunately, as I’ve learned, many students come away from the various…

Back Online

Back Online So, it’s been a LONG time since I’ve written in the way I once did. Recently, on thinking back about a former life, I realized how much I miss it. So…I’m getting back to it. I kept a blog for over ten years. From 2002 to 2012, I chronicled a lot about my life. Perhaps a bit too personal, it was really a time before social media became the default way of sharing information. I created a lot of the site thematics myself, with it…